IT-Telecom Workers of Athens protest at SKROUTZ Company Photos   IT-Telecom Workers of Athens Unions SETIP held a moto-protest on Friday, October 14 at the SKROUTZ IT Company denouncing its attack against workers. The...

3 workers injured while working in Jumbo store-Immediate intervention by the Union Photos On Saturday, October 8, in a store of the big commerce chain Jumbo, in the center of Athens, 3 workers were seriously injured...

Solidarity to the courier workers of the Italian Post Office

The Postal Workers Union of Attica (SETTA), the ACS Union, the SPEEDEX Union, and the UNION DHL EXPRESS HELLAS, denounce the violent attack by...

Trade Union of workers in Catering, Tourism & Hotels in Attica: Solidarity to the Sri Lankan people

The trade union of workers in Catering, Tourism & Hotels in Attica Region of Greece, express our solidarity to the Sri Lankan people who...

October 3rd 2022: International Action Day of the World Federation of Trade Unions

October 3rd 2022: International Action Day of the World Federation of Trade Unions Under the general slogan: - We will not pay for the capitalist crisis...

Big Anti-Fascist Demonstration in Piraeus A massive anti-fascist march was held in Keratsini of Piraeus to honour Pavlos Fyssa, on the occasion of the nine-year anniversary of his murder...

Hotel Workers of Athens and Corfu Strike for Pay Rise On Friday, September 16, Hotel Workers in Athens and Corfu held strike actions demanding wage increases with Collective Contracts, better working conditions and hiring...

Rally of Solidarity with MALAMATINA workers’ Strike in Thessaloniki On Tuesday, September 6, the unions and the workers of Thessaloniki held a big rally of Solidarity with the strike of MALAMATINA workers, which...

Santorini Tourism Workers Succeed the Signing of Local Collective Contract with Pay Rises

Workers of Santorini signed on August 23 Local Collective Agreement with important conquests and increases in wages, the establishment of a series of rights...