Militant Actions of Hotel Workers demanding Pay Rise The Union of Hotel Workers of Athens held a series of protest at the Hotels demanding a new collective contract. The Union protested the...

Massive 24hour strike in Athens Transport On Wednesday, June 29 Bus and Trolley Transport workers held a massive strike action with no Bus or Trolley moving for 24hours. Transport workers...

PAME Solidarity from Striking Transport Workers of Athens to RMT Rail Strike

On Wednesday, June 29 takes place the Strike of Athens Bus and Trolley Workers Strike who demand Collective Contract with wage increases. From Bus Station...

Pensioners Massive Demonstration for Pension Increases Friday, June 24 took place a big demonstration of Pensioners in the center of Athens, demanding pension increases PHOTOS

National Strike in PRAKTIKER June 25 Workers in the commerce chain PRAKTIKER held a National Strike on June 25 against the layoffs and attack on union action by the company Photos...

Athens Hotel Workers Militant Strike Action For Wage Increases Hotel Workers of Athens held a strong Strike action on June 24 demanding wage increases and Collective Contract. The President of Athens Hotel Workers’...

Big Strike of EFOOD Delivery Workers June 24 Efood delivery workers held massive moto-protests in the cities and in Athens moved to the Ministry of Labor under the slogan “We are workers,...

National Strike of Workers in Pharmaceutical Industries for Wage Increases On Thursday, June 23 the workers in Pharma Industries held a national strike demanding wage increases with Collective Contract. The strike met big support...

COSCO Dockworkers Union from Piraeus Greece Solidarity With Our Brothers Dockworkers Strike in Germany

The COSCO Dockworkers Union ENEDEP from Piraeus Greece expresses its solidarity and support for the fair fight and Strike on June 23 made by...