La Union de Trabajadores Cañeros (UTC) de Santo Domingo realizo este lunes 10 de septiembre el XXII encuentro de coordinadores nacionales y decidio que a partir...
Le Syndicat CGT des cheminots de Versailles exprime sa solidarité totale avec les travailleurs portuaires du Pirée qui luttent contre la multinationale COSCO, à...
От имени членов Российского профсоюза металлистов имею честь заявить о нашей солидарности с мужественной борьбой портовых рабочих на пирсах Пирея, которые продолжают противостояние с...
We support your Strike on September 7. Workers are continuing their struggle with this new Strike on Friday 7 September so as to sign Collective Contract.
The European Regional Office of the World Federation of Trade Unions WFTU expresses its class solidarity with the strike mobilization of the workers at...
Desde LAB, sindicato de clase del País Vasco, queremos mandar un mensaje de solidaridad a la clase trabajadora de Grecia, al pueblo Griego y especialmente...
Nakliyat-İş Union once again declares its unconditional and strong solidarity with the Piraeus Dock Workers of COSCO company who have been struggling against the various attacks...
As TUI Transport, Fisheries and Communication gathering millions of workers in its ranks, which is the sector organization of WFTU representing more than 92 million...