Sweden Seko Klubb 111 Union supports of dockworkers Strike in the port of Pireaus

Seko Tunnelbanan, Klubb 111, the union who organizes the workers in Stockholm´s underground (Metro)  supports of dockworkers in the port of Pireus in their struggle...

Serbia Union of Workers in Agriculture-Food Solidarity with Dock Workers´ Strike

Serbian workers express their solidarity with dock workers who are holding a strike on September 7. Strike is organized with the aim to sign...

Cолидарность с рабочими порта Пирей

Дорогие товарищи, братья! Союз Профсоюзов России выражает свою солидарность с портовыми рабочими транснациональной корпорации COSCO на пирсах Пирея в их борьбе за свои законные права, и поддерживаем организованную...

The Left Bloc in the Austrian Trade Union Federation is in solidarity with the Piraeus Dock Workers strike on 7th of September

We support all class oriented collegues which are going now on strike for their interests and who will not accept a result of a...

The Kazakhstani trade union “Zhanartu” expresses its solidarity with the dockers and workers of the Piraeus port of COSCO

The Kazakhstani trade union "Zhanartu" expresses its solidarity with the dockers and workers of the Piraeus port of COSCO, which are due to begin...

L’UD CGT 13 exprime son entière solidarité avec les travailleurs en lutte du commerce en Grèce

L’Union Départementale CGT 13 au nom de ses 34 000 adhérents dans les Bouches du Rhône, exprime son entière solidarité avec les travailleurs en lutte...

PAME Call for International Solidarity Action Against RIVULIS Multinational

We are sending you this letter to inform you about a serious situation in Greece and ask for your help for a urgent matter...

Saludo de Valentin Pacho Quispe, Secretario General Adjunto de la FSM a la manifestación de huelga de PAME en Grecia.

Trabajadores de Atenas, jóvenes, mujeres, pensionistas, desempleados, Hermanos del PAME Hace 2 dias  se realizó reunion de los miembros del  secretariado de la  FSM en Atenas...