CGTP-IN Portugal: Solidarity message with the Greek workers’ struggle

Dear Comrades, The CGTP-IN expresses its solidarity with the Greek workers' struggle against their government's backward labour measures. Expressing the interests of the large economic and...

CITU Congratulates the Greek Dockworkers for preventing the unloading of Israeli war Materials

The Centre of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) a class-oriented Trade Union confederation representing more than 7 million workers and an affiliate of WFTU, congratulates...

Μήνυμα αλληλεγγύης της ΠΕΟ στην απεργία που πραγματοποιείται στις 17 Απριλίου από το ΠΑΜΕ

Η Παγκύπρια Εργατική Ομοσπονδία Κύπρου (ΠΕΟ) εκφράζει την ταξική αλληλεγγύη της στο ΠΑΜΕ και την αγωνιζόμενη εργατική τάξη της Ελλάδας στην πανελλαδική απεργία που...

WFTU solidarity statement with the National Strike in Greece

WFTU solidarity statement with the National Strike in Greece The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing more than 105 million workers in 133 countries...

Trade union association of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia – OS CMS: Solidarity with the workers of Greece

Dear comrades, brothers,  the workers and tradeunions of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia express their deep solidarity with the workers and other workers of Greece and...

EUROF-WFTU: With striking Greek workers organised by PAME

The European Regional Office of the WFTU salutes the Greek workers who will be on general strike on 17 April. Never has it been more...

Left Bloc in the Austrian Trade Union Federation: Solidarity with April 17 Greece National Strike

Dear Comrades, the Left Bloc in the Austrian Trade Union Federation expresses its solidarity with the national all-worker´s strike in Greece on April 17. Your struggle...

CUTV- FNLCT, Venezuela: Mensaje por el 25 Aniversario del PAME

MENSAJE POR EL 25 ANIVERSARIO DEL PAME La Central Unitaria de Trabajadores de Venezuela (CUTV) y el Frente Nacional de Lucha de la Clase Trabajadora...