Confederación Intersindical: Solidarity with the working class and the Greek people on this crucial moment of struggle

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

From the Confederación Intersindical, a class union of the Spanish state, we express our deepest solidarity with the working class and the Greek people in this crucial moment of struggle. The general strike on February 28th, not only symbolizes a protest against working conditions and economic policies that sacrifice safety and health for profitability, but also a reminder of the tragic loss of 57 lives in the Tempe accident two years ago.

This day of strike action not only serves to remember the victims of an accident that could have been avoided and which is the result of a policy of privatisation and cutbacks, but also stands as a symbol of resistance and unity against a system that prioritises the interests of the few. It is a clear call for collective action, where factories, schools, and various sectors unite in a demonstration of discontent and demand for rights. The expected massive participation reflects the accumulated weariness of years of precariousness and lack of accountability of those responsible for putting the lives of the working class and popular sectors at risk.

This day of strike not only serves not only to remember the victims of an accident that could have been avoided and is the result of a policy of privatisation and cuts, but also stands as a symbol of resistance

The Confederación Intersindical joins all the voices that cry out for justice, for a future in which the safety, health and dignity of the working class are a priority. We reiterate our condemnation of policies that perpetuate suffering and exploitation.

The struggle of the Greek workers is a beacon that lights our way towards the construction of a more just and equitable world.

Long live international solidarity


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