USB Italy: Freedom to the Unionists of USB-No to Evictions

Four young comrades, two of them belonging to ASIA USB, were arrested while defending a 70-year-old lady from eviction from her home. The government of...

Intersindical Valenciana: Solidaridad con los trabajadores de VODAFONE

El secretariado nacional del sindicato de trabajadoras y trabajadores de la Industria, Comercio y Servicios Intersindical Valenciana por unanimidad expresa su solidaridad con los trabajadores de...

Intimidation tactics against Makro/Uyum and Real Market Workers can’t stop their militant struggle!

Dear comrades, As we informed you in the past, Nakliyat-İş Union has always supported the struggle of Real Market Workers since the beginning of their struggle...

LAB-Basque Country: 3 workers died at work last week

Last week 3 workers died in the Basque Country in work accidents. A truck driver died on the road in the town of Galdakao...

European Regional Office of WFTU – Solidarity with VODAFONE workers in Greece

The multinational company Vodafone has announced layoffs of about 1,700 workers  around the world and especially in India, Romania and Egypt,  so it can...

Co.Bas: Basta La Persecución Contra El Movimiento Obrero Y Agrario En Grecia

Hemos sabido de las nuevas persecuciones contra dirigentes del movimiento obrero y agrario en Grecia. Sabemos más en concreto, de la celebración, él préximo día...

CGT Apoya A Las Federaciones Agrícolas Y A Los Sindicalistas Perseguidos

La CGT expresa su apoyo y solidaridad con los dirigentes del movimiento obrero y agrario. Especialmente, con el Presidente y Vicepresidente de la Federación...