Statement of the Executive Secretariat of PAME on the new Situation

STOP LAYOFFS – STOP INSECURITY and UNCERTAINTY FIGHT FOR JOBS - SALARIES - LIFE WITH RIGHTS Workers, young and old, unemployed, retired,  Holidays, rest and leisure are...

PAME Solidarity with the Struggle of AIRBUS workers Against Layoffs

PAME, a member of the WFTU, expresses its solidarity with the great mobilizations of AIRBUS workers around the world for their right to work. The...

Event for Cuba’s Internationalist Contribution Against COVID-19

The Regional Trade Union of Arta, a member of PAME, held an event with the ambassador of Cuba in Greece, Zelmys Maria Dominguez Cortina,...

Airport Workers International Meeting

On Tuesday, July 21, a meeting of the Regional Trade Union of Lavrio - East Attica was held with the UD CGT 94 of...

Solidarity to the workers in USA

PAME, which represents the class oriented trade unions in Greece, expresses its solidarity to the workers and people of USA and their multiform mobilizations...

Big demonstrations in Corfu(PHOTOS)

Great mobilization took place in Corfu from the Trade Union of Workers in Tourism on 11 July protesting the visit of the Prime Minister The...

Massive Rallies οf PAME Against The Government’s Bill That Bans The Demonstrations PAME held mass rallies in Athens and other Greek cities against the government's bill that bans the demonstrations, which was being discussed in the...

International solidarity Against the Plans of the Government to Abolish Demonstrations

The Greek government's attempt to put the workers movement on hold and ban the demonstrations is condemned by unions around the world who express...

Event of PAME for the 75 years of WFTU

On Wednesday, July 8, a meeting of PAME of new trade unionists was held for the 75 years of WFTUin the Headquarters of PAME. In...