Artists Held Protest in Front of Parliament

Musicians, actors and artists held a protest in front of the Greek Parliament demanding measures of support on October 1st. Against the demonstrators again...

Demonstration for Health Measures in Schools Students-Teachers-Parents with the support and solidarity of the class unions demonstrated on October 1st in many cities all over Greece demanding measures for the...

Food Workers’ Strike in Patras Against Layoffs  The workers in the Factory COFFEE ISLAND in the city of Patras, western Greece, went on Strike against the layoffs of their colleagues on...

PAME Presentation of Action Plan and List of Demands 2020-21

Comrades and friends, we will have to begin, with what is in our opinion a premeditated crime, in the refugee camp of Moria, Lesvos. There...

Violent Attack of Police Against Protest of Healthcare Workers PAME denounces the unprovoked violent attack of the Government against the struggle of healthcare workers The employees in the public hospitals, in the context of...

Militant Actions of Tourism Workers-Honor of WFTU 75year Anniversary

 With militant protests in many cities all over Greece, tourism workers demonstrated demanding support measures for workers of Tourism-Hotels who are suffering because of...

“POMPEO GO HOME” Big Demonstration in Thessaloniki The class unions and the people of Thessaloniki held a big demonstration against the visit of USA’s secretary of state Mike Pompeo in their...

PAME Denounces the Invitation to the Wannabe-Dictator Guaidó by the Mayor of Athens

PAME denounces the Government of ND and the Mayor of Athens who are giving a step inside Greece to the "puppet" of the USA,...

Big Strikes and Demonstrations All Over Greece Thursday, September 24, was a day of massive and militant demonstrations in many sectors all over Greece. National Strike was organized by Public Hospital Doctors’...