The Greek Government, with an authoritarian decision by the Minister and later by the Chief of Police, announced that it bans the November 17 rallies and all “gatherings of more than 3 persons all over the country” for the period of 15-18 of November.
The Greek Governments have aimed for years to stop the annual rallies on November 17, which honor and commemorate the students and peoples uprising of November 17 1973, against the military dictatorship of 1967-1974. A dictatorship which was imposed in Greece in open cooperation with CIA and the USA.Every year the unions and the peoples of Greece demonstrate on November 17 against imperialist interventions and wars, against USA and NATO military bases in Greece, against their plans against the peoples of the region. Every year a demonstration of dozens of thousands reaches the US Embassy. The Greek Government, using the pandemic as a pretext is attempting to ban this demonstration against its allies, the US Government. PAME has condemned this attempt and does not accept the ban.
Thousands of trade union leaders of all sectors, Members of Parliament, lawyers, professors, artists, militants, since Sunday evening have signed the following resolution which was delivered to the President of the Republic and the Parliament on Monday, November 16
“We condemn the authoritarian decision of the government to ban the militant celebration of November 17
The decision of the Chief of the Greek Police, which prohibits public gatherings of more than three people across the country and for four days, under the threat of high fines, leads us to dark times.
This is a deeply anti-democratic and unconstitutional decision, as the Union of Judges and Prosecutors points out, because it violates the core of the constitutional right of assembly (Article 11), imposing a total unauthorized suspension of freedom of assembly and not just a certain local restriction. However, such a general ban is imposed only in circumstances of a state of siege (Article 48 of the Constitution), and under specific limits and strictly limited conditions. In no case can it be justified on grounds of public health protection.
After all, the organizations of the trade union and popular movement have proved in practice that they are mobilizing by taking all the necessary protection measures. It is not even covered by the reactionary law against demonstrations, which explicitly excludes May Day and November 17th demonstrations from being announced, banned or restricted.
Democratic rights and popular freedoms are a conquest of the workers and peoples movement. The government has a huge responsibility for this development. Even now, the Government must withdraw this unacceptable decision.”
The List of Signatures in Greek here