WFTU : Solidarity Week with the People of Palestine, 15 – 21 December 2017

PALESTINIAN PEOPLE ARE NOT ALONE ! Dear colleagues, WFTU members and friends, The WFTU announces a week of active, operative and militant solidarity with...

PAME at the 8th National Congress of Students Militant Front of Greece

  "We organize our struggle to study without obstacles, to work on our profession with full rights, against governments - EU - IMF -...

All in the strike rallies in all cities!

All in the strike rallies in all cities! We fight back!   Let’s give a militant response to the new measures of impoverishment of...

Le 14 décembre tous à la grève partout !

Passons à la contre-offensive! Donnons une réponse combative et militante aux nouvelles mesures d’appauvrissement des travailleurs ! L’ambiance «bon enfant» que le gouvernement...

Massive International Class Solidarity to the Working Class of Greece Against State Oppression and the Government’s Attack Against the Right to Strike

  The last days PAME has received many messages from Unions from all over the world against the many incidents of State oppression against...

Strong Response of PAME to the Government’s Plans to ban the Right to Strike (VIDEOS-PHOTOS)

“Hands Down from Our Right to Strike” With militant demonstration PAME and the class unions responded to the plans of the Government to ban...

Solidarity with the General Strike in Brazil on 5 December

  PAME expresses its Solidarity to the workers, the trade unions, the members and friends of the WFTU in Brazil, for their General Strike...

General Strike Of December 14 – Response To The Escalation Of State Oppression And Employers’ Intimidations Against Workers

Last week in Greece, the working class witnessed a series of incidents that showed a strong escalation of state oppression and employers' intimidations against...