“Hands Down from Our Right to Strike”
With militant demonstration PAME and the class unions responded to the plans of the Government to ban the right to strike.
PAME held a protest at the Ministry of Labor. When the Minister refused to meet with the protesters PAME entered with force in the Ministry and put down the sign of Ministry of Labor, as the Ministry only represents the employers and not the workers.
The demonstration then reached the parliament, where at the entrance of the Greek Parliament the protesters wrote “Hands Down from Our Right to Strike”
The demonstration reached the Prime Minister’s Tsipras House, which was surrounded by police. The police had blocked the street with Police Cars. When the protesters attempted to reach the prime minister’s house the police responded with tear gas and chemicals.
PAME denounced the use of chemicals and police oppression by the Government. PAME stated that this is only the first response of the class movement against the plans of the Government to abolish trade union rights and freedoms. All forces for the preparation of the National General Strike of December 14.
Under the huge outcry and immediate response of the class unions the SYRIZA Government announced the withdrawal of the amendment that attacks the right to strike. But, they noted that they will forward it at a later time.
The class unions of Greece are on alert! We will not surrender our greatest achievement, our right to go on Strike!
We call all unions to denounce the oppression of the SYRIZA Government and its plans to attack trade union rights and freedoms
All forces for the success of the National General Strike of December 14