2018 National Committee of PAME Meeting and Plan of Action

  On the 27th of January took place the meeting of the National Committee of PAME in order to put together a new plan...

Workers-Students Of Greece Unite Their Voices Against The Imperialists “FREE Palestine-FREE Ahed Tamimi”

Workers, Trade Unions and Students from all over Greece join their voices against imperialism, demanding the liberation of young Palestinian Ahed Tamimi and all...

URGENT- Greece-Strike on Friday January 12

PAME Calls the Unions, the National Federations, the Regional Trade Union Centers to join the Strike action all over Greece against the new antiworkers’...

Week of Action and STRIKE Against the New Antiworkers’ Measures

PAME calls workers, youth, pensioners, the unemployed, farmers, the self-employed, all the people to massive, militant action. The government brings a new series of...

A La Nouvelle Agression Contre Les Ouvriers, Nous Répondons Avec Une Nouvelle Grève Générale

Le gouvernement grec de SYRIZA, allié au parti d’extrême droite ANEL, prépare une escalade de l’attaque contre les ouvriers et les couches populaires de...

We Respond With New National Strike Against The New Antiworkers’ Attack

The Greek Government of SYRIZA (which is in alliance with the far-right ANEL party) prepares the escalation of the attack against the workers and...

Unions of West Athens Demonstrate Against the Government at the Flooded Areas

The SYRIZA Government moved on a new provocation against the workers and the popular strata as it organized a festival-conference on “Growth and Development...

General Strike of December 14-Massive Response to the Antiworkers’ Attack

The General Strike of December 14 gave a massive, militant response to the government of SYRIZA-ANEL, to the employers and the European Union. PAME...