Cambridge and District Trades Union Council: Solidarity and support to the Strike of the workers of Greece

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Dear Comrades

Following the fatal train collision that left 57 dead, Trades Union Council in Cambridge expresses its solidarity with the workers of Greece, and their Trade Union PAME, which together with the Regional Trade Union Centres held a Nationwide General Strike on Thursday 16th March 2023 with marches and rallies in all the cities of Greece in defence of

  • Modern, safe, cheap mass transport against the legislation and policies that put the safety of passengers and the rights of workers in the balance of the costs and profitability of business groups.
  • The strengthening of the public and free health care system
  • Immediate measures to protect health and safety in all workplaces.
  • Recruitment of permanent staff in health, education, social services, civil protection services

We express our Solidarity and support to the Strike of the workers of Greece to defend their lives and rights. Justice for the victims’ families, is fighting against the deadly privatisation policies everywhere.


David O’Brien


Cambridge and District Trades Union Council

England – United Kingdom



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