With Demonstrations We Prepare the 48-HOUR GENERAL STRIKE!

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We Organize Our Militant Response

We Prepare THE 48-HOUR STRIKE!


No worker should be fooled by the maneuvers, the manipulation and the tactics of the government (that aim to weaken the militant response against the new attack on the social-security system)

We have to respond to the provocative lies of the government!

After axing the already cut pensions and while they have already imposed cuts of 1.8 billion in pensions only for 2016, the government provocatively continues fabricating lies that with the new law-guillotine there won’t be any pension cuts!

A heavy attack in social-security is coming and is affecting us all! Every worker, every sector! New and older workers, in Public and Private sector. They want us to get used to a life with the minimum, so that we live out of crumbs! The new insurance plan mostly concerns the workers with the current starvation-wages, the workers working with all flexible forms of work, the unemployed! These are the workers that today are condemned to poverty and tomorrow to a starvation-pension!

With the measures taken by the government the current minimum pension is cut up to about 15%. Any worker that wants to retire at the age of 62, as was the case for many categories until today, will receive a 40% penalty.

The reductions don’t aim only at the new pensioners but at the old as well! The recalculation of the pensions, the calculation based on the average working life, the new massacre of the supplementary pensions, the demolition of EKAS (supplementary pensions for poor pensioners) until its complete abolition and the blow of disability pensions are accompanied by new reduced replacement rates, by automatic cutters of pensions!

There is no time to waste! No waiting! – We won’t let them complete the massacre!

We won’t hand over the social security to the vultures of the insurance companies that are waiting in the corner! – The new law-guillotine won’t pass!


PAME In Preparation Of The 2day General Strike Calls For Massive Demonstrations On Tuesday, April 26

Everyone In The Struggle, Everyone In The 48-Hour Strike!

Athens, April 22 2016


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