WFTU General Secretary greeting letter on the 25th anniversary of PAME

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

Dear comrades of PAME

Ι personally, and on behalf of the 105 million workers represented by the World Federation of Trade Union from all over the globe, would like to express our warm, cordial, comradely greetings for the 25th Anniversary of PAME. The All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) since its
foundation on April 3rd, 1999, successfully implements the vital goal of reconstructing the trade union movement in a class direction, serving the class interests of the working class against capitalist barbarity.

All these 25 years PAME has undeniably been at the forefront of the workers’ struggles, strikes, and initiatives all over the country, in all sectors and cities, fighting for the protection of jobs, workers’ income, working hours, social security and in general struggling for the satisfaction of the contemporary needs and dignified working and living conditions for the working class.

The WFTU is proud of its affiliates, its history, and its struggles, and the Greek class-oriented trade union movement is not just an important part of this history but, also played a vital and irreplaceable role in the reconstruction of the WFTU that dramatically revived its actions with massed ranks and clear class orientation, under the leadership of PAME and comrade George Mavrikos. We believe in the fighting spirit of the working class and have faith that the 25 years of experience, and struggles will constitute the beacon of the relentless future struggles of the working class in Greece.

We are confident that the years to come will find you more millitant and experienced in your daily duties and we would like to once again reassure you that you can always rely on the support and solidarity of the WFTU.

Dear comrades,

We are convinced that the future will vindicate our struggles and our sacrifices, until the satisfaction of the contemporary needs and interests of the workers, until the emancipation of the working class and the construction of a human-centered society free of man-by-man

Long live PAME and its 25th Anniversary
Long live the class-oriented trade union movement of Greece
Long live WFTU and the global working class


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