“ We shall not live with crumbs from their table “, Rally on Saturday October 4th

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Workers, Unemployed, Pensioners, Young People, Women,


We protest and we shout: 

“ We shall not live with crumbs from their table “


Rally on Saturday October 4th,



To demand right here, right now

  • Unemployment benefits at 600 euros, for all unemployed people without terms and preconditions, for the whole period of unemployment
  • Nobody should work with salaries less than 751€. Nobody should work without health insurance, without collective contracts. Sectoral salaries should be set in the levels before 2009
  • All the needs of the Insurance Funds must be met by the State and the employers. We demand full state guarantees for all pensions and benefits. The lowest pension should be at 600€
  • All the anti- labour acts, all the laws against health insurance, industrial relations, all the laws affecting pensions, wages and salaries must be abolished.
  • All the taxes which affect pensions and salaries, suffocating people, must be abolished.

We shall not accept the nightmare of unemployment.

We shall not accept to live like slaves.

We must give a decisive answer to everybody who slaughters our rights

They must feel our pressure; they must feel our breath on their necks

Everyday, we must be present everywhere. We must give them no ground

We shall not only counterattack. We shall demand and we will gain. It depends on us 

We must be prepared for a big struggle. We must join our forces with all working people at the National Rally of PAME in Athens on November 1st


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