Victims of wildfires, floods, earthquakes rally in Athens demanding support measures

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

With a massive demonstration in front of the parliament thousands of those affected by forest fires, earthquakes and floods demanded the immediate implementation of support measures by the Government.

The protesters from all over Greece arrived on Saturday, November 6 in the morning in Athens to demonstrate their demands and were welcomed by the class unions.

 Vangelis Georgantzis, member of the Coordinating Committee of Firefighters of North Evia stated “Three months after the catastrophic fire, we are suffering the criminal policy of the government, which continues not to take immediate support measures for our survival, does not proceed with compensation at 100% of all damages. Its criminal policy together with the other links of the state chain, regions and municipalities, have left the area unprotected and with the first rain flooded villages, making the destruction irreparable. We are literally living with the fear of the next rains, we are living with the nightmare of a new catastrophe, and we alone are taking protection measures, which of course are not enough…

We are determined to claim our right to live in our place with dignity, to claim here and now immediate measures for the survival of our families, for 100% compensation for all damage to homes, infrastructure, crops, animals, without asterisks and exceptions.

We are here today to claim lives and rights that were deprived of us even before the disasters. The right to health protection that the situation has become even more unbearable in the last two years with the pandemic. To claim the right to education of our children that we pay dearly to support. The right to permanent and stable work, with Collective Agreements, increases in our salaries, guaranteed income to all farmers and the self-employed, free universal and public Social Insurance for all”

“No apology can erase the criminal responsibility of all governments for the lack of infrastructure,” said Thanassis Vombiris, president of the Federation of Agricultural Associations of Ilia and a member of the Coordinating Committee of Firefighters of Ilia.

“The government says it has taken action. They did! Millions of euros for big Construction Companies, the big employers, but for the people nothing. “It puts” cutters “in the criteria and throws out of the compensations the majority of the victims” noted Vassilis Vroulitis, on behalf of the Federation of Agricultural Associations of Peloponnese



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