USB Italy supports PAME’S STRIKE

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USB is with Pame that call general strike 20 NOVEMBER 2024 – 24 hours


PAME calls on all unions, all Federations and Regional Trade Union Centres to give all their strength for the success of the 24-hour national strike on 20 November in the public and private sector.

The reasons of your strike are the same of our struggles in Italy.
The economic and social costs of this new phase of harsh international confrontation are falling heavily on the workers who pay for these choices in terms of welfare cuts, attacks on wages, high inflation, and a sharp rise in the cost of living. The shifting of huge resources by the governments of the various states from welfare and social needs to spending on armaments is determining the increasingly urgent need to organize trade union and social protest.

Against war, against the genocide in Palestine against the war economy, people and workers in Greece like in Italy cannot live, low salaries, no public health, no education. European Union and the our governments run to increase war economy.

Now is the time for coordination of all workers and their class oriented trade unions, for joint action against the anti-people’s policy of the governments and the business groups that oppress our lives.

No one alone! We strengthen our solidarity with PAME and the struggles USB SUPPORTS YOUR REQUESTS THAT ARE THE SAME WE DO

Our strength is the organization. Our weapon are solidarity and struggles


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