Dear Comrades,
As the representatives of class oriented union movement in Turkey -Nakliyat-İş, Birleşik Metal-İş and Sosyal İş unions- we would like to convey our strong solidarity to PAME, the class oriented and revolutionary force in Greece with their General Strike to be organized on May 17 and other rallies on May 18 in all cities of Greece.
In today’s world, the working class and popular strata in different countries are attacked by imperialism and capitalism. Together with the other means, this attack is implemented by means of the economic organizations such as IMF, World Bank etc, which bring nothing for the working class apart from more and more exploitation. Of course the governments that collaborate with the imperialists play a crucial role in this extensive exploitation. In Greece, SYRIZA Government is an exact example of this process.
With the 4th Memorandum of SYRIZA-Capital-EU, they claim to implement a so-called “fair development” in Greece. From the previous experiences, one can easily conclude that it is another trickery created by the government. The new regulations will undoubtedly bring growth and development for the benefit of capitalist; more and more destruction for the working class.
With this agreement Capital, European Union and their collaborator SYRIZA try to;
– destruct the branch level Collective Agreements
– liberalize the massive dismissals and legalize Lock Out
– put some new taxes
– make new pension cuts and so on…
As the class oriented union movement in Turkey, we would like to express our strong solidarity with the working class in Greece. We know very well that the struggle carried out by our comrades in Greece is, at the same time, against the yellow unions that are the most stable allies of the capitalists.
Long live the international solidarity of Working Class!
Birleşik Metal-İş
Sosyal İş