Trade Unions for the Workers – Not Advertisers of the Multinationals

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The Commerce Workers Trade Unions of Greece that we are signing this resolution, we express our condemnation of the provocative announcement of the UNI Global Union in favor of the murderers of the workers, the big employers of the supermarkets.

Specifically, on April 9, UNI Global Union, which is presented as a union but operates as a representative of the big multinationals, published a joint declaration with the multinationals Carrefour Group and Auchan Retail entitled: “Joint declaration on protective measures for workers and customers in the food retail sector during the Covid-19 pandemic”

This declaration, with the signature of the Human Resources departments of the multinationals, is a provocative advertisement of the specific multinationals by a so-called trade union organization. The most provocative thing is that this advertisement about supposed protection measures is made when there are numerous complaints about dead workers in the specific chains as well. Complaints with names for dead workers in France, Belgium, etc., but also for the daily danger the pose for workers and customers the multinationals in Super Markers, which even today have not taken any protection measures, while counting huge profits during the pandemic.

At a time when unions and workers in many countries are fighting daily for the protection of workers, organizations such as UNI Global Union are taking on the role of “washing machines” and are becoming advertisers for workers’ murderers!

The Commerce Workers Trade Unions of Greece, condemn UNI Global Union about its dirty role and the multinationals that make their profits by sacrificing the lives of the workers.

Your Profits – Our Dead!

We strengthen the Struggle for Protection Measures for the workers in all countries!

In Greece, we call April 15 as National Action Day for the workers in Supermarkets!

 The Unions

Commerce Workers Trade Union of Athens

Commerce Workers Trade Union of Thessaloniki

Commerce Workers Trade Union of Piraeus

Commerce Workers Trade Union of Larissa

Commerce Workers Trade Union of Giannena

Commerce Workers Trade Union of Herakleion


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