The USB expresses its solidarity and its support to the demonstration on 14 March of the workers in private health in Athens and Piraeus

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις


United against the new slavery


to build an alternative of class solidarity




To the Comrades of Pame


To the workers on struggle



The USB expresses its solidarity and its support to the demonstration on 14 March of the workers in private health in Athens and Piraeus in the fight against the barbarism of employers that deny the right wages and claim that the work has to be unpaid or underpaid.


As in Greece also in Italy there are three millions of workers that are paid in black, other hundred thousands who receive paychecks irregular or are paid after months and months of waiting.


Following the indications of the Troika, and the pressures of the industrials lobbies the national governments are changing in worst labor law, they are dismantling the national contracts extending flexibility and precariousness, producing laws and agreements that provide unpaid work and underpaid.


This is what the Renzi government has done with the Jobs Act , this is what we find in the agreement signed by the unions accomplices of ITUC (CGIL-CISLUIL) for Expo 2015 in Milan. For the EXPO thousands of people will have to work for free, or underpaid, with the blackmail of a job or with the swindle to do experience for their own professional curriculum.


On February 28, thousands of workers with the USB’s flags and banners have marched on the streets of Milan, against the unwaged work and against the policies of the Troika. Industrials and politicians are using the media weapons to create a climate favorable for a war between the workers on generational and racist basis.


The next step of the employers is to use the agreements with the accomplices unions (CGIL-CISL-UIL) and the new laws to launch an ethnic cleansing against workers still protected by the old legislation, in order to get workers without rights.


Your struggle is our struggle, we have to work side by side against the common enemy!


Break the cage of the European Union


Solidarity and organization are our strength.

USB International Office

Rome 13 march 2015


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