The Union of Trade Unions of Russia: We stands in solidarity with your struggle for life with modern rights, a better future

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Dear comrades!
The Union of Trade Unions of Russia expresses fraternal solidarity to the all-Greek fighting front PAME in the struggle for life with modern rights, a better future for themselves and their children, the workers of Greece!

The Executive Committee of the Union of Trade Unions of Russia stands in solidarity with your struggle for life with modern rights, a better future for yourself and your children, comrades. The authorities and “effective managers” have moved to the open and brazen robbery of workers at all levels and in all branches. The corrupt system seeks, in the interests of the robbers of the peoples, to nip any protest and any struggle of the workers in the bud.

We must oppose them with a solid collective rebuff on a large scale. The strike is still the most real weapon against the brazen corruption system. The culprits of the strikes are specific representatives of the capital and the corrupt officials serving them, who are ready to sacrifice the well-being and lives of people for the sake of profit.

Their main task is to maximize profits. For this, jobs are being cut, technical safety requirements are being violated, allocated funds are being stolen. Only determination, solidarity and unity of the working class can resist this.

We wish you perseverance in protecting your rights and interests until your requirements are fully met and not to give in to empty promises!


General Secretary of SPR, member of the Presidential Council of the WFTU,
Director of the Eurasian Office of the WFTU with headquarters in Moscow
Kulikov E.A.


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