The People Respond and Demand – Big Demonstration in front of the Parliament

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

With a massive and militant rally, on Saturday, January 29, the people gave a militant respond to the policies that destroy the lives of the many for the profits of the few. The class unions of Athens, welcomed in front of the Parliament the Regional Trade Union Center of Patras and the City of Patras who marched to Athens demanding measures for the protection of peoples’ lives against the pandemic as well as the natural disasters, and also protection for the unemployed, wage increases.

The workers of Patras with a big motorcade traveled to Athens, with the city’s band and dance group and also with carnival caricatures and joined the demonstration of the unions of Athens.


The dance group of Patras City performs in the demonstration

The City of Patras Band heads the people of Patras in front of the Parliament

At the rally that took place speeches were made by the Mayor of Patras, Kostas Peletidis, the President of Regional Trade Union Center of Patras Dimitris Mamroutas, and the cadres of PAME Spiros Konstantas, President of Local Administration Workers’ Union of Athens, and Nikos Mavrokefalos of the Executive Secretariat of PAME

They main demands of the rally:

– Immediate measures and projects to protect the people from all natural disasters, with adequate funding, through a comprehensive plan.

– Supply of machinery and creation of necessary infrastructure, under the responsibility of the state, for the protection of the people. Mass recruitment of permanent staff in respective structures, so that the battle for the protection of citizens’ lives can be fought adequately. In this direction, immediate emergency funding should be given to the municipalities as well.

– Cancel tolls and ensure modern means and infrastructure, under the responsibility of the state on all roads.

– Reduction of the price of electricity by 50% and abolition of raids for working-class households. No cutting of power peoples’ homes and small businesses


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