The North Jutland branchclub of Brick layers sends fraternal support to our comrades in Greece.

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The North Jutland branchclub of Brick layers sends fraternal support to our comrades in Greece.
The working class in Europe is facing a hard winter and spring is a long time away.
The European governments’ violent military build-up, the rising inflation with sharp price increases, especially for electricity, gas and food, are taking their toll on the working people, families with children, the sick and the elderly.
It is therefore with great attention that we note that our Greek brothers and sisters are shutting down the country on 9 November.
The Greek workers are clearly saying no to the extremely high cost of living.
The mass mobilisation of the working class and the protests against today’s attack are spreading like waves through Europe, where the working class and the general population are the main victims of the tensions of the imperialists in Ukraine. The governments of the EU countries are pushing their peoples towards the social and economic abyss in their acquiescence to the imperialist plans of NATO and the USA.
A response is needed, the peoples of Europe must be brought closer together with joint action and fraternal ties.
Only in this way can we combat the division of the ruling class between the peoples, that some have more at stake than others, etc.
We therefore send our full support to your struggle on 9th of November.
the Hope lays in the struggle
bricklayers’ branch club north of jutland


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