The Maritime Union of Australia Sydney Branch express its solidarity with steelworkers of Greece.

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

2014 April 24

Executive Secretariat of PAME


The MUA Sydney Branch would like to express our solidarity and support for the steelworkers of Greece. Against a backdrop of ruling class hatred, exploitation and oppression, the steelworkers have united in struggle to defend the interests of trade unionism in opposition to the bosses and courts who continuously seek to defend capitalist dictatorship.

Workers united in struggle have defended our class interests against the Ruling Class incursion and have protected society against neoliberalism and fascism. The sacrifice of Greek steelworkers is recognised and understood throughout the world and will be added to the glorious struggles waged against the oppressors and exploiters throughout history. The inspirational efforts of imprisoned workers has only ever shown the bosses and their puppets in power and other ruling class institutions that workers united will never be defeated no matter the threats and intimidation brought against us.

The 500 Euros per month on offer is an act of class warfare and we know it will be matched by the willingness and determination of the Greek working class to achieve wage justice and dignity in their employment. We condemn completely the prison sentences handed to the strikers; a country which gaols workers is indeed a rich man’s country. The MUA Sydney Branch forever stands with the exploited and oppressed, we march with you, we act in solidarity with you, we congratulate you for your steadfastness and courageous stand.

Continue your struggle, we have a world to win.

Always in Solidarity,

Paul McAleer

Branch Secretary
Maritime Union of Australia
Sydney Branch
Level 1
365-375 Sussex Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Mobile: 0417 468 424
Office: 02 9265 8433
Fax: 02 9261 4548
[email protected]


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