On Monday, January 23, small farmers from all over Greece with their tractors, formed dozens of roadblocks in all regions of the country as an escalation to their struggle against the policies that lead them to extinction.
The SYRIZA Government and the EU with their policy –policy which is adopted in the memoranda and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU- push the gathering of the land and of agricultural production in the hands of the few big agricultural business groups, forcing the small farmers to leave their lands.
With their struggle the small farmers fight for their survival, for the survival of their families. Their basic demands are:
Cancelation of new brutal taxes to small and poor farmers. Taxes should be imposed to the big business groups.
Free-Total Social Security for all farmers. Retirement Age limit to be lowered to 60 for men and 55 for women farmers.
No foreclosure of confiscation of homes and lands
The class trade unions stand by the side of the small farmers and their just struggle. PAME takes continuous initiatives for support and coordination of the struggle of the working class with the small farmers. As the farmers struggle escalates the workers will organize massive support and solidarity to the farmers’ roadblocks.