The class-oriented trade union forces were excluded from the Presidium of the Private Employees Federation of Greece

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The class-oriented trade union forces were excluded from the Presidium of the Private Employees Federation of Greece under the command of the multinational companies.

 In the Private Employees Federation of Greece, the forces of the governmental and employers’ trade unionism formed a presidium under the command of the multinationals, with President from the social democrats, general secretary from SYRIZA and vice president from the liberals.

The exclusion of the class-oriented forces from the presidium of the Private Employees Federation reveals the hypocrisy of the forces of PASOK-SYRIZA-N.D. in the trade union movement. This is their democracy.

The trade union cadres of PASOK-SYRIZA-N.D. are seeking a unity like this. A unity that will serve the needs of the capital, of the large multinational groups, of the bosses of the supermarkets who generously supported the trade union cadres of SYRIZA in the Congress of the Private Employees Federation.

It was also confirmed that the monopolistic capital has a real opponent, the forces of PAME, i.e. these forces that struggle against the wage cuts, the flexible forms of employment, the unpaid job.

The forces of PAME in the sector of commerce and services will continue to struggle for the overthrow of the negative correlations in the trade union movement, for the organization of workers per monopolistic group, in order for the trade unions to become massive.

PAME in the sector of commerce and services, calls all the trade unions of the sector to organize their activity against the unbearable taxation, the dozens of dismissals that continues to take place, the hundreds of workers who are still unpaid and all the other problems that the brutal policy of the capital, the government and the troika everyday loads us.




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