Teachers-Students-Parents Protest for Public Education (Photos-Videos)

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On Wednesday May 13, unions of Teachers and Students, as well as associations of Parents protested demanding the cancelation of a series of anti-education reforms proposed by the Government. They also denounced the proposal of the Government to put Cameras inside the classrooms. The Teachers unions protested that “Classrooms are not Reality TV” and demanded measures to support Public Education and protect the Health of students and teachers. Protests were held in many cities with masks and social distancing to protect from Covid 19.


Photos from protest in Athens: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmNcYMds

Video from Athens Protest: https://youtu.be/H3HLvULYhb4

Video from protest in Thessaloniki: https://youtu.be/SuRTglIabU8


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