Sweden, Seko Tunnelbanan Klubb 111: Solidarity message to PAME, the general strike in Greece on the 20th of November 2024

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Seko Tunnelbanan Klubb 111, the union that organizes the workers in the Stockholm metro in Sweden, expresses its solidarity with PAME and the general strike that has been announced for November 20th across Greece.
The struggles expressed by the slogans of the general strike such as “Money for wages, health and education” and “Out of the slaughterhouses of war” are the very same that the working class has to fight all over the world.

It is also relevant for us, as the Swedish government cuts back on education, health and investments for the working class and instead invests more in weapons, i.e. war.

Your fight is our fight!

One for all and all for one!

Comrade greetings




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