For 8th year the trade unions of the Shipyards of Perama organise from 10 to 19 of October, the art exhibition “Men-Colour+Iron”. The exhibition includes a variety of events such as children’s workshop, discussions on Fascism, as well as theater and concerts. This year 210 visual artists and photographers take part in the exhibition under the slogan “Struggles are the Art of the People and art is our weapon”. Main goal of the exhibition is to connect the artwork with the workplace, the artists to know and be inspired by the people of work. The exhibition takes special importance this year, as Perama has suffered repeatedly attacks by fascists against trade unionists and immigrants, in addition to the unemployment that has devastated the area, creating conditions that marginalize workers and impoverish the working classes.
The exhibition also promotes and calls the visitors, the workers and the artists to take part in PAME’s National Rally on November 1st