South Africa, NEHAWU: Message on the Occasion of 6th PAME National Congress

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Dear Comrades

On behalf of NEHAWU, I extend our warm fraternal congratulations to the All Workers Militant Front (PAME), on the occasion of your 6th national congress. It is evident from the theme of your congress, that PAME remains a militant striking force for workers’ rights, for their contemporary demands to improvement in working and living conditions.

Since your last congress PAME has occupied the frontal ranks in defence of workers gains and expanding on their rights. Every strike, every struggle and victory for PAME, has been a milestone that strengthened the general global counteroffensive against capitalist exploitation faced by workers in all our countries.

The 6th PAME national congress provides an opportunity for reflection, to draw strength, for bigger battles ahead. It symbolises the determination to oppose governments’ anti-people’s policies, the imperialist wars, the empty talk of IMF structural reforms which overburdens the workers, their attacks on collective bargaining, the class collaboration of yellow unionism, the betrayal of workers by its yellow leadership that hopes to attain the general weakening of unions and willing to help the bosses course for a crushing defeat of the international working class movement.

How the 6th congress responds, your militant plan, your tenacity not to succumb to capitalist onslaught, is a factor to embolden the class-oriented trade union movement and further reaffirm the inevitability of class struggle worldwide.

We have no doubt that the unity of PAME will be cemented by the 6th national congress. That your congress program will uphold working class solidarity and internationalism for immigrant workers, for Palestinians, the Cubans and for all people in the Middle East who suffer horrendous Zionist genocidal aggression.

In the final analysis PAME should remain a fortress for Greece workers needs for health, education, housing, dignified jobs, against barbarism, for equality and for all working families in the path of the militant defense of these rights.

PAME is a vital force, whose courage is exemplary for trade unions and for the international working-class movement struggling to overcome the barbarism of capitalist exploitation.

Our best wishes accompanies the 6th PAME national congress in its deliberations. We look forward to it, knowing that you will continue along the path of uncompromising militancy, scientific thought and action, in confrontation with the capitalist ruling classes and their governments’ attacks on working people and to advance the cause for the final overthrow of the system.


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