TUI Transport Solidarity with the strike to be organized by Militant Dock Workers of Piraeus Port

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As TUI Transport, Fisheries and Communication gathering millions of workers in its ranks, which is the sector organization of WFTU representing more than 92 million workers in all parts of the world, we declare our solidarity with the Workers employed in the Port of Piraeus by Chinese COSCO Company which has proved its anti-worker attitude towards the workers struggling for their fair demands.

In the current situation, COSCO Piers II and III have refused to meet the fair demands of the workers and their union ENEDEP. The strike to be organized on September 7 has been decided by the Dock Workers and ENEDEP Union as a response to this refusal. 

TUI Transport, Fisheries and Communication totally supports the demands of the Dock Workers in the Port of Piraeus including signing of Collective Contract with higher wages, 6-member shift groups, permanent and stable work for all, establishment of Health and Safety Committees, prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases.
We have no doubt about the fact that the working class in Greece and in the world will give the response to COSCO Company in the way it deserves. The sector organization of WFTU, TUI Transport, Fisheries and Communication will certainly have no hesitation to supply the Piraeus Dock Workers with any kind of support and solidarity in the future until the COSCO multinational learns to show respect for the basic rights of the workers.
Long live the international solidarity of Working Class!
Long live the unity of Working Class!


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