Solidarity with striking workers at Mellon Contact Services Grécia

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Hello fighting mates!
Strike workers from Mellon Contact Services of Greece !.
I am Vivian Queiroz, National Secretary of Women of the Central General of the Workers of Brazil (CGTB) and President of the UNION OF TELEMARKETING WORKERS OF CAMPINAS AND REGION – SÃO PAULO (SINTRATEL).
First of all, I would like to congratulate all the workers for the attitude, determination and international organization of our category, with the news of the strike of you there in Greece. I would like to tell you a little about our history here in Brazil.
SINTRATEL has a historic fight in defense of our category in Brazil, we have organized the category and we promoted in 2012 the first strike with 1,500 workers of the national ACTIONLINE that lasted 10 days, conquering most of the claims in the year of 2015 broke out yet another strike in our category now with 90% adhesion of the 2,000 workers of the national CONTAX-LIQ multi, with 11 days of strike and collective trial dissent strike strike of a 25% higher salary floor to the workers of the company, besides the achievement of the retroactive payment of the salary differences of the last 5 years. Now in May 2019 another strike was organized with the workers of the MOTIVA CONTACT CENTER, but because of SINTRATEL’s history of struggle with the working class, the company negotiated in the strike agreement agreed to the workers’ demands. This historical struggle and union with the workers demonstrates that, however hard and difficult our journey in the search for defense and conquest of workers’ rights, with the organization and union of workers will always prevail to the excesses of the Contact Center multinationals. Thus, we of the General Workers’ Union of Brazil (CGTB) and of the TELEMARKETING TRADE UNION OF CAMPINAS AND REGION-SÃO PAULO (SINTRATEL), we salute all the striking workers of MELLON in Greece, our support and solidarity! We are quite sure that the struggle and organization of voices in this strike will not be in vain.
Always in the fight!
VIVIAN QUEIROZ CGTB Women’s National Secretary President of SINTRATEL


France, l’UD CGT 13: Communiqué de solidarité à la grève du 28 février en Grèce


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