Solidarity of LAB with the general strike in Greece

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From the Basque Country, LAB sends all its solidarity to the comrades of the Greek trade union central PAME in view of the call for a general strike on Febru­ary 28th. A call for a general strike that will be historic in view of the massive support for the strike by the working class of the country.

35 Regional Trade Unions Centers and 19 National Federations have already de­cided to participate in the strike. The participating Reginal Trade Union Centers and National Federation represent hundreds of Trade Union including the unions of air traffic controllers and airport telecommunicators, railways, and maritime workers, Private Employees as well as workers in Construction, Garment, En­ergy, Press, Chemical, Bank, Hospitals, Pharmaceuticals, Education, Mines and other large sectors and regions.

The general strike has been called to demand higher wages, decent working conditions, in protest against the rising cost of living, decent public services and in protest against the increase of wars on the planet.

For all these reasons, from the Basque Country we send to all the Greek work­ing class and especially to the comrades of the World Federation of Trade Uni­ons of PAME all our internationalist solidarity. The savage international context in which we live demands a class oriented trade unionism that raises the flags of peace with social justice and fights for a new model that puts the rights of all people and all peoples at the centre. In this sense, we know PAME’s comrades will be beside us always in order to raise these banners.


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