Public Hospitals Doctors and Health Workers Action Day December 10

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New symbolic actions were carried out yesterday, December 10 by the Doctors, Nurses and Health Workers in the public hospitals of Greece, who continue the fight for the protection of the people from the pandemic, faced with the huge shortages of personnel, infrastructures and state funding.

With the support of the class unions and with all the necessary measures to protect against the pandemic, the health workers gathered in the gates and yards of the hospitals in Athens, Thessaloniki and many other cities of the country, to demand and highlight the critical needs against the anti-peoples policy of the Government in Health.

With their protests and actions they demanded: Mass recruitment of permanent staff of all specialties. Permanence of all workers with limited time contracts, who support the urgent needs of hospitals. Implementation of Strict health protocols, not on exceptions for health professionals because of the pandemic. Opening of closed hospitals. Free public health for all with the abolition of all business activities. Increase in state funding. No segregation in the provision of “benefits” among health workers. Restoration of Christmas – Easter benefits, leave allowance. Restoration of salaries that were cut during the period of the memoranda. Immediate payment of all accruals.




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