Protest in Solidarity with PAME at South Africa

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Memorandum of demands to the embassy of the Federal Republic of  Germany in support of PAME and working families of Greece, against austerity and Anti-workers measures memorandum


Submitted by the world federation of trade unions (WFTU) in South Africa, Tshwane on the 13 August 2015


The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) in South Africa, joins workers of PAME on Greece, to demand an end to the 3rd Memorandum, which can only bring increased misery for the working people of Greece, upon whose shoulders the entire the entire burden and responsibility for the crisis of the capitalist system has been thrust.

 The measures by the fatcats in Syriza and ANEL austerity alliance, provides no exit to the Greek crisis.

 They will reduce the living conditions and incomes of the people even further.

These measures will provoke a new round of dismissals, in line with the plans by the Troika.

They will expand unpaid labour, enforce leave and other anti-worker measures.

This is early Christmas for the big European capitalist financiers and bankers, who will rake in more profits from austerity.

 The new memoranda imposes a massive burden through a new loan worth 86 billion euros, tied towards criminal structural adjustment.

 People will be taxed more, value added taxation of consumer basics steeply increased, with further cuts on pensions, more privatisation will be carried out and unadulterated banking transactional limits.

 The new memorandum of the EU-ECB-IMF, constitutes a new offensive and the consolidation of a serious onslaught of the previous memoranda.

 In this regard, we fully support PAME and working families and the massive demonstrations in every street, every workplace of Greece and adhere to the solidarity of millions across the world in calling for an end to the new anti-workers measures memorandum

 The Federal republic of Germany is the leading shopsteward of the troika, the chief administrator of this catastrophic attack on Greek workers and the number 1 supporter of false conclusions. It is in bed with the capitalist Troika and their wishes to imprison more and more working people in Greece and across Europe and subordinate them to feudal standards of living.

 We are also in support against using these barbaric measures to siphon away the sovereign right of the Greek people to present real political solutions based on new social ownership function, disengagement from the EU and NATO and the unilateral cancellation of the debt and the groundswell rejection of false criteria, which is the capitalist development of Greece.

 As part of the class oriented trade union movement, We act in solidarity to demand the unconditional cancellation of the anti-workers measures memorandum





 ​WFTU South Africa​



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