PAME Statement for Workers’ Solidarity to the Victims of the Wildfires

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PAME called the workers and the class unions to immediately and en masse express their solidarity with the fire victims of Evia and other areas.

With the fires still burning, the Greek Government is trying to throw ashes in the eyes of the people who lost their homes and livelihood, with some small benefits far behind the real, immediate and urgent needs of the fire victims. Utilizing the SYRIZA proposals, the Government seeks to advance the “green businesses” and the measures of the Recovery Fund that will lead the fire victims and the people to misery and wretchedness. The fires burned houses and people’s property, while the measures of the Government burn workers’ rights, the healthcare, the welfare, the forest protection, the life of the people in all its manifestations.

The fires in many areas were faced by the residents with their own hands. With organization, solidarity and action in the face of the most adverse conditions. Through ashes and tragedy, hope, workers’ mobilization and struggle can be strengthened.

Already thousands of workers, small farmers, unemployed, pensioners, those devastated by high cost of living, taxes and wage cuts, they are collecting supplies and basic necessities for those affected by the fire. It is moving that the values ​​of our people, the values of the working class, the values ​​of solidarity and mutual aid support the thousands affected in these difficult times.

The Trade Unions of Evia and Chalkida, but also Regional Trade Union Centers, Federations, Trade Unions and mass organizations throughout Greece have already proceeded to the collection and delivery of material assistance at the Fire Victims Solidarity and Struggle Center which was established at Evia.

Photos from the action of the Unions

Additionally the Construction Workers Union of Athens formed a team to provide assistance to the homes of working-class families who have suffered damages. The Regional Trade Union Center of Lavrio and other unions in many areas have formed Fire Protection Committees that guard and protect the regions and the forests and helped in the fight against wildfires.

Lavrio Regional Union firefighting

PAME calls on all trade unions to strengthen this action, which is an immediate and effective aid to those in need.

For this purpose we gather in the offices of PAME material which will be sent to the unions of Evia to be delivered to the victims.

We take our lives into our own hands

We strengthen Solidarity, organization, demands


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