PAME statement for the death of the great composer Mikis Theodorakis

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

(The Bells Will Ring, Concert by PAME with Greek and Turkish artists)

PAME expresses its deep sorrow for the loss of our great composer Mikis Theodorakis.

Mikis’ creations have been the musical background of our people’s struggles for over half a century. While he also marked with his personal action and participation the workers’ popular movement.

His works, popular, universal, loved, were for many the first militant listenings, a special school that expressed the sufferings, the anxieties, but also the struggles and the hopes of the world of toil against injustice and exploitation. With his work, Mikis Theodorakis brought the working class closer to the great poets of our people.

For these reasons, his creations crossed the borders of our country and were loved all over the world.

His works were sung in theaters and orchestras, but also in the streets and factories, inside prisons and places of exiles.

Works that moved, warming the hearts of the workers, giving smiles to the lips of the strikers, gave strength to hands that became clenched fists, raised heads that had bowed, kept alive hope in difficult times.

Mikis’ songs and music were, are and will be companions of the struggles, rallies, strikes and demonstrations of the working class. They will accompany us every May Day. Until the bells ring.


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