PAME Solidarity with the workers of Spanish State #stopReformaLaboral

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PAME expresses its solidarity with the trade unions and workers of Spanish State who are organizing large-scale mobilizations throughout the week and culminating on Sunday 30 January against the anti-workers’ “Labor Reform” (REFORMA LABORAL) promoted by the Spanish Government.

The Government of the Spanish State with the co-signature and support of the employer controlled unions CCOO and UGT (members of the ETUC) promotes the anti-workers REFORMA LABORAL which essentially ratifies the reactionary reforms imposed into the labor law by the Rajoy Government. The new labor reform confirms the so-called temporary, mass layoffs (ERE) mechanisms by reducing workers ‘compensation or reducing workers’ working hours. At the same time, the Government utilizes the support of the employers’ controlled unions for the signing of mandatory single Collective Contracts, undermining the possibility of local unions to sign contracts with better terms for workers. In the face of the anti-workers’ attack, the militant unions of the Spanish State, members of the WFTU, have launched various mobilizations and rallies, expressing the opposition of the workers to the reforms being promoted.

PAME expresses its solidarity with the trade unions and the workers of Spain, in their just struggle against the policies that sacrifice the rights of the workers for the profits of the business groups.



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