PAME Secretariat of Education expresses its support and solidarity to USB and the teacher’s strike in Italy on the 24th-25th of September

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                PAME Secretariat of Education expresses  its support and solidarity to USB and the teacher’s strike in Italy on the 24th-25th of September demanding health protection measures.

                The substantial health protection measures for the safe operation of the schools , the multiple needs for cleaning due to the pandemic ,the hiring of all the needed teachers  and the reduction of students per classroom are demands  that must be fulfilled immediately!

                Instead  of implementing such measures  and after thousands of deaths, EU and Governments are focusing all their efforts on securing the profits of big business and deny any talk on spending on health and education. With daily mobilizations  demand the Greek government to take the state responsibility and adopt the proposals of teachers and parents For the safe operation of schools.

                We express our solidarity and we support your right  demands  for education, health, work and life with rights !


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