PAME organizes a demonstration on Sunday, September 15 in front of the gate of LARCO, the largest mining and metallurgical company in our country.
We protest with the slogans:
Hands off the mineral wealth of the country
NO to the closure and the sell out of LARCO
NO to the dismissals
The governments of N.D. (liberals) and of PASOK (social democrats) have been promoted for many years now the imports of arming systems from monopolistic groups and devaluated important units of our mineral wealth, always according to the country’s commitments within the framework of NATO and the E.U
Today, the coalition government of N.D. and PASOK in cooperation with the European Union and the troika (ECB – IMF – E.U.) are implementing and integrating what they had planned many years before. They carefully planned and were gradually implementing with the support of the governmental and employers’ trade unionism:
The drastic reduction of the productive activity of the LARCO mine and of the factories of the war industry (EAS – ELVO).
Their sell out and their full-scale utilization by the monopolies or their final closure in favor of multinationals.
The dismissal of workers even without compensation.
All those who promise the existence and operation of LARCO and of the factories of war industry in favor of the people without conflict with the monopolies, the European Union and NATO, fool and deceive the people.
PAME has always supported that all the companies of strategic importance could contribute to the development of the productive base of the country, to the development of the industry. Of course, this can only be done with another policy, another perspective, another power.
The Executive Secretariat