PAME In WFTU’s International Forum to commemorate the victims of Rana Plaza, Bangladesh

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PAME participated in WFTU’s International Forum to commemorate the victims of Rana Plaza, Bangladesh on April, 24, with comrade Vasilis Stamoulis, President of the National Federation of Workers in Textile of Greece, and member of TUI TEXGAL of WFTU.

Eight years after the unspeakable Rana Plaza crime, the WFTU and its Sectoral Trade Union International in Textile and Garment (TUI TEXGAL) organized the event to discuss with trade union cadres from all over the world about health and safety measures and the unsecured working conditions constitute ever-present problems that doom the health, well being and life of millions of workers every year. The meeting was participated by more than 50 delegates from every corner of the world.



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