PAME denounces the violent attack of Police against Firefighters’ Demonstration

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PAME denounces the unprovoked attack of the oppression forces, which under the orders of the Government attacked against the demonstration of the firefighters on Friday, Nov 5.

The firefighters were protesting demanding stabilization of their work relations with permanent contracts (now they have only 6month contracts)

At the same time everybody knows the great shortages of staff in permanent firefighters, which was clearly highlighted during the summer wildfires, where the firefighters where in the frontline to protect the lives and properties of the people.

The current and the previous Governments have great responsibilities for rejecting this just demand.

The Executive Secretariat of PAME was present at the big demonstration of the firefighters in support of their just demands

We condemn the violent oppression against the firefighters

The class Unions will continue the support to the firefighters and their struggle


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