Hosted by GSEE and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) will take place on 20 to 21 May a class collaborationist seminar entitled “PROMOTING AND REINFORCING THE EU SOCIAL DIALOGUE” where keynote speakers will be the representative of the Greek Industrialists Union and BUSINESSEUROPE.
It is a clear example of ETUC’s role and the role of its member-organizations in each country how they try to turn the trade unions, not only in bureaucratic organizations, but in the open supporters of the anti-worker wishes of the Capital and the European Union. The seminars ETUC organises throughout Europe, with the funding and support of the European Union, help legitimize the demands of the capitalists, attacking the right to strike, promoting the legitimization of the lockout, in countries like Greece, where the workers movement has blocked it. While the Greek government prepares to sign new memorandum, the realization of a seminar celebrating the “competitiveness”, the capitalist “growth”, the “social model of the European Union” is not accidental. They help create a climate of acceptance of the anti-workers measures, acceptance of the pauperisation of the people; they contribute to the most effective manipulation of the trade union movement. The results of the social dialogue with the participation of the GSEE in Greece are notorious. The GSEE co-signed the cuts in minimum wage, with even greater reduction for young workers; it accepted the legitimisation of outsourcing companies, which are the modern slave traders etc.
PAME denounces to the working class of Greece and Europe, this provocative gathering of the bureaucratic and class collaborationist trade unionism, who supports the imperialist European Union. We call on the working class to disengage from the governmental and employers’ trade unionism. To strengthen PAME and its struggle against the multinationals, their governments and the EU.