The SYRIZA-ANEL government has once again demonstrated the interests that it serves and who is against and who it persecutes. Yesterday, Sunday, November 26, a chase was launched against workers of “Market in” Super Markets in the City of Ioannina.
By order of the employers of “Market in”, two employees (a mother with 3 children and a worker with years of work in the Super Market) were arrested and dragged from their homes to the Police Department and other employees as well as trade unionists of the Trade Union of Private Employees of Ioannina, were wanted by the police!
The police, as a mechanism of the employers arrested and persecutes the workers and the unionists who are fighting and demonstrating for months on their right to work and their wages, which the Super Market, owes them, since before it was sold.
This is a new example of intimidation and persecution of workers who fight for their rights and the police and the State that act as representatives of the employers. Only last month, the riot police, under the demands of the employer of Market In attacked against workers protest at the Super Markets.
On Monday, the Regional Trade Union Center of Ioannina-Affiliate of PAME- held a demonstration at the Courts of the City demanding all charges and persecutions against the trade unionists to be dropped and the employer to pay the workers.
At the same time the Regional Centre of Ioannina declared Strike for all workers at the MarketIn Super Markets on Tuesday, November 28.
We call on the trade unions in all sectors, especially those in Commerce, to denounce the phenomenon of workers’ manhunt, the suppression of workers’ mobilizations, their arrests. It is an example and model of how the bosses and its political forces, face workers’ struggles and workers’ demands. This is how they face trade union freedoms and the right to strike, which the SYRIZA Government is attempting to ban with a bill
Intimidation against workers will not pass!
Drop all charges against the arrested workers their unions!
Stop any persecution now!
Pay the workers their wages and guarantee their right to permanent and stable work.