At the weekend 21-22nd May the Greek Government brings in parliament the new round of attack against people’s income, social security and salaries! Here comes a new anti-people draft law which concerns the imposition of new indirect taxes on the vast majority of working people who suffer, privatizations, and new tax exemptions for the big capital.
We call on workers from every sector, trade union organizations, union committees, people’s committees, young men and women, the unemployed, the pensioners and women not to accept the new wretchedness. We call them not to get trapped again in the government’s false hopes and fake promises.
We do not accept the anti-people measures they voted. We do not compromise with this policy which aims exclusively at preserving the profits of the few, so that they become even stronger. The greed of the big business groups will never die down!
We must prepare our own counterattack in every sector, in every workplace!
We mustn’t tolerate the conditions of wretchedness!
Let’s coordinate our power and fight everywhere for the coverage of the losses we had on salaries, wages, pensions, social provisions
We won’t become slaves of the 21st century!
The new draft law includes the “auto cutter” which will be cutting and reducing salaries and pensions, social benefits; it will cause automatic cuts in funds towards the insurance funds, hospitals, schools, universities, municipalities and other local administration services, when they realize that the fiscal goals of the state budget and the memorandum aren’t achieved. The government lies! They bring a new, 4th memorandum.
At the same time they generalize the brutal taxation everywhere:
They increase Value added tax from 23% to 24%, a development which will bring about new mass increase in popular consuming products.
They increase the special consuming taxes which are imposed on gas, diesel fuel, heating petroleum, liquid gas, natural gas and kerosene, which are to be implemented from the 1st of June.
They are planning to impose new special taxes on landline, cable TV, cigarettes, vehicle tax, coffee and drinks!
Incentives and privileges to the big business groups!
The crumpling of workers and people rights is completed with new provocative privileges and benefits for the business groups, to boost and the support capitalist profitability
The new growth law constitutes a paradise for big capital. New tax exemptions for the capital during the last 15 years, new incentives to the big hotel owners, tax asylum to ship owners, free state funding up to 45% of the investment, subsidy of “business danger”, damage coverage, new money to big employers from “Juncker package”.
The working class cannot benefit from it. The government lies!
In order for us to breathe, it is necessary to overthrow the barbarity in which we live! A new, coordinated anti-worker attack is coming!
The anti-people measures will not disappear when the growth comes as they say and promise! Unless we overthrow them, unless we block the attack they will eat us alive!
The government and the political parties that support this way of growth along with the trade unionism which is controlled by the employers and the government, they support a system which is rotten and inhumane, a system that cannot be fixed. Every day that goes by it is proven that the capitalist way of growth can only bring suffering and misery to people and workers in general.
No worker or unemployed should abstain from the fights to come!
Take your position to the class struggle!
Join the trade unions; organize your indignation and rage. Workers must not surrender and get used to a life with a minimum. We shouldn’t accept to live out of crumbs! Turn your back to them.
No tolerance, no consent!
We can live in a better way!
The people can give a militant response to the anti-worker plans; they can repel the blackmails, the threats, and the intimidation by the employers. It is necessary a people’s front of struggle and counterattack be created everywhere in order to stop the barbaric anti people policy. The struggle must be strengthened in every workplace; the wave of disobedience against this policy must be reinforced. The policies that lead to our being condemned to poverty, unemployment and exploitation must be rejected. The working class, the self-employed, the youth, the poor farmers must strengthen their struggle and alliance.
We continue our struggle with massiveness, more actively, more decisively.
Without us no cog can turn! Everyday difficult struggle is the only option we have. A struggle which aims at the decisive confrontation and the overthrow of the anti people policy so that we will impose our rights, and carve our own way of growth and prosperity, without memoranda and bosses.
Demonstrations of PAME on Sunday 22nd May
Athens, May 19, 2016