PAME Conference “Trade Union Freedoms Under Attack by Government-Employers”

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 On Thursday, October 29, PAME hosted an event under the theme “New bill on the Action of Trade Unions: Trade union action, organization and workers’ rights under attack by government and employers”.

The event was part of the effort made by the class trade union movement to reveal the real intentions of the government for the new bill that it brings to the Parliament, which aims to strengthen the obstruction in the organization of the workers’ struggle against the abolition of rights and workers’ demands by crushing trade union freedoms.

Under the directives of the Greek Industrialists Association, SEV and the big business groups, the Government moves forward to destroy salaries, pensions, working time and stable work. They want to prevent even the slightest demands, to pass all the necessary reforms for the profitability of capital, with the labor movement tied in chains.

During the Conference the floor was given to The Presidents of the Trade Union of Workers in Commerce of Athens, the Construction Workers’ National Federation, labor lawyers as well as the General Secretary of the WFTU.

 The speakers noted that with new bill

“They legislate for the first time in our country the 10-hour work, 134 years after the Chicago strike and exactly 100 years after the first legislation of the 8-hour work in Greece.

According to the government announcement, the bill literally states: “… Companies will be able to employ employees for a maximum of 10 hours a day, without additional remuneration, if within the same 6 months they pay the hours with a corresponding reduction of hours or breaks or days off … “, while in another point it is foreseen” addition of companies and professions to the list that already allows work on Sunday”. That is, workers as modern-day slaves will be forced to work 10 hours of unpaid overtime for almost 6 months, with the sole condition that employers give them a few days off during the same period. They also practically ban strikes in the Public Services.

The government bill also states that “… it becomes a precondition for the exercise of trade union rights, the registration in the already legislated General Register”, ie it launches a hunt against the unions, creating an official black list for those employees who choose to organize. They seek to create a file of unionized workers, which will be at the disposal of the ministry and the employers. The average salary is reduced even more, the “flexibility” is extended and at the same time the Organization where the state and the employers (OMED) have the majority is upgraded as the supreme regulator.

And these are just some of the crimes against workers, which are being carried out at the request of capital and the EU and which can not be embellished by any well-paid government propaganda. At the same time, the time chosen by the government is not just random. They exploit the outbreak of the pandemic, thinking that in this way they will catch the workers asleep.

Their plans will fail! It is time for a strike alert, an organized workers’ counterattack!

All Unions in preparation of Strike!”



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