PAME Calls Into Massive Demonstration Against The Visit Of Obama

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We Denounce The Decision of The Government To Ban Demonstrations

  PAME calls the workers of Greece and its unions to demonstrate against the Obama visit to Greece

All in the demonstration of November 15

The Butcher Obama is not welcome! His visit smells blood!

The blood of the Greek people, where the USA demand new antiworkers measures, new wage and pension cuts, so as to safeguard the profits of their multinationals. The interventions of the US in the negotiations with the EU-IMF are part of the general competitions of the business interests of their monopoly groups and their victim is the Greek people.

The blood of the people of Syria, Libya, Palestine, etc.,, where thousands are killed and uprooted, for the control of the energy resources, the transport roads.

The SYRIZA Government support to the imperialist interventions and to NATO deepens, creating new dangers.

The decision of the Government to ban all demonstrations in the center of Athens is a clear message of its intentions, its position. They are all in the same side. They serve the interests of the monopolies, which are only satisfied with the butchering of the wages, of pensions, with the abolition of the democratic and trade union rights and freedoms, with the escalation of oppression.




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