PAME 3language Leaflet for International Migrants’ Day (English-Bengali-Urdu)

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

On the occasion of December 18, World Migrants Day, PAME, the class unions of Greece send a message of Solidarity, Message of organization and Struggle to our class brothers, migrants of every country, every color, every race and religion.

We are united by the difficulties and obstacles of a system dominated by poverty, unemployment for the many, so that the few can profit. A system that cultivates xenophobia, racism, which starts wars and creates refugees. But at the same time we are united by common hopes and dreams, we are united by the common struggle for survival, for jobs, salary, rights, the struggle of all of us for a better life, for a society without exploitation.


No discrimination in employment insurance pension rights, no exclusion from benefits.

Additional measures for the protection, Health and safety conditions in the workplace for migrants and refugee workers, by informing them from special levels in their mother tongue and staffing the Labor Inspection Body with interpreters and services that respond to their requests

Signing of direct transnational agreements on the possibility of transferring the insurance pension rights of migrant workers to their country of origin

Ensuring adequate and healthy living spaces for land workers and their regular inspection by a health committee.

Immediate recruitment and staffing with interpreters of all hospitals and health units under the responsibility of the state

Ensuring to all migrants and refugees an insurance number and with the responsibility of the state, their access and coverage in examinations, medicines and necessary medical equipment without obstacles.

Measures for the protection of migrants and refugees from the corona-virus, acceleration of vaccinations with all available vaccines, exclusively with state responsibility.

Long-term residence permits, without fees, fines, long delays, without income criteria and exclusion of the unemployed. Establishment of a state network of legal support for migrants and refugees. Simplification of the procedures for the renewal of residence permits, no prerequisite of work stamps.

Legalization of migrants living under an irregular status. Special care for the situation of irregularity in which 40% of migrant women are employed in domestic work

The acquisition of Greek citizenship by naturalization should be done with objective criteria, for those who wish, without class and bureaucratic obstacles.

Staffing of all state services for refugees and migrants, with permanent staff, with full employment and insurance rights. No NGOs involvement in Refugee-migration.

No involvement of our country in imperialist plans and interventions. Close all NATO bases now.


PAME 3language Leaflet for International Migrants’ Day


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